
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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I just got my Retrode II but having issues with firmware upgrades and android

Started by Failrunner, 17/Jul/2015 07:12:56 PM

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Okay so I got this mostly to use with my new Shield TV and emulators. I wanted to play the games off the carts but every android device I plug the Retrode into says the storage is broken and needs to be reformated(I am not reformatting this thing. Lol.). Also when I plug it into my pc it shows up and reads the rom files off of my games(Except Virtua racing). however if I try to put it into the mode to upgrade the firmware it again tells me the usb storage is broken.

Edit: I'm using windows 8.1

Edit 2: I got the firmware installed after putting on my boxing gloves and whipping out the old Vista laptop from hell but Android don't work at all. I even tried the ouya and it not only didn't work but it crashed the Ouya.

Edt 3: Got it working. I needed root access and stickmount. No other way. :(

Aleron Ives

The MD version of Virtua Racing has an extra chip on the cart designed to provide the extra processing necessary for the game's graphics. The Retrode can only dump the ROM contents, so the game won't work unless the emulator also emulates the chip on the cart. If your emulator supports the 32X, Virtua Racing Deluxe will work fine (and is a huge improvement over the MD version, anyway).


Yeah i got the 32x version running. Just on question. Does the Retrode dump the rom to flash memory? I kept hearing people say that you can play the game right off the cart but seeing as when I pull the cart while playing the game it doesn't end the gameplay that seems like false info. Thanks!  :)

Aleron Ives

If I launch a game directly from the cart, I see the activity LED illuminate for several seconds before the game starts and for the same amount of time it would take to dump the entire cart. If I've loaded a cart this way, I can then copy the ROM to my HDD instantly (without having to wait again), so it would seem that Windows caches the entire ROM when you access the cart.



Not to mention most emulators will likely read the entire file to ram before they start.