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Game Boy save (Pokemon Blue) not transferring back to the cart correctly

Started by tysontomko, 10/Jan/2014 01:04:07 AM

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After updating my firmware I am now able to straight up copy/paste save files to my Pokemon Blue with ease. My original team of Pokemon from the 90s is now back on my cart and loving life haha. Thanks so much man, the effort was truly appreciated!


Quote from: tysontomko on 25/Jan/2014 02:25:14 AM

After updating my firmware I am now able to straight up copy/paste save files to my Pokemon Blue with ease. My original team of Pokemon from the 90s is now back on my cart and loving life haha. Thanks so much man, the effort was truly appreciated!

That's odd, because I still can't paste a Pokemon Yellow save. I even reinstalled the firmware to make sure everything was installed properly.


Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 25/Jan/2014 02:45:50 AM
That's odd, because I still can't paste a Pokemon Yellow save. I even reinstalled the firmware to make sure everything was installed properly.

I've got a Yellow at home I can try but it will be another 14 hours or so until I'm able to.


Quote from: tysontomko on 27/Jan/2014 03:10:38 PM
I've got a Yellow at home I can try but it will be another 14 hours or so until I'm able to.

It would be appreciated.


I just got my Retrode yesterday and I know it's been a month since the last post here but I noticed no real solution was mentioned in this thread and I'm having the same issue with all of my Pokemon games (Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold). Every time I copy a save back to the cart (or copy a save from an emulator) only the data up to about 0x2000 gets transferred and the rest of the save data remains unchanged (used the file compare in HxD to verify). I have tried many of the suggestions in this thread with no success. I have the latest firmware (.18d) on my Retrode and the batteries on my carts are still working and allowing me to save normally (I replaced the ones in Silver and Gold fairly recently).


I have had success transferring a Pokemon Blue save file from the cartridge to PC.  I made changes on the PC in VBA-M, and successfully transferred back the save file to the cartridge.

Are you using the firmware linked from this thread (posted 22 Jan 2014)?  It should be v0.18d-beta2.  The firmware linked on the main page has not yet been updated as far as I know.

I haven't tried with Yellow or Gold / Silver.  Maybe you could test those out...


I assumed that post was talking about the beta1 version. Thank you very much that worked, at least as far as doing a full wipe of Silver without the battery in it but will test with an actual save in a bit.

Did a few erase and restores of saves and it's working perfectly! :D


Quote from: tysontomko on 27/Jan/2014 03:10:38 PM
Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 25/Jan/2014 02:45:50 AM
That's odd, because I still can't paste a Pokemon Yellow save. I even reinstalled the firmware to make sure everything was installed properly.

I've got a Yellow at home I can try but it will be another 14 hours or so until I'm able to.

Sorry for taking about 10,000 years to respond. My brother apparently grabbed my copy of Pokemon Yellow before he took off and he's currently a few states away. I'll still be able to test this but it's likely going to be July until I get out there.

In better news, Red/Blue are still working like a charm, that much I can guarantee.


I have since gotten yellow's save working and all of my other Gameboy games seem to work as well with the new firmware. Only downside is I found out a couple of the resistors in my yellow cart are leaking causing the game to crash randomly. At least I have my save from the cart now so I can keep playing via the ROM in an emulator as a worst case but then my poor Gameboy Player won't get as much use.



Hello everybody. As I have the same problem with my Pokemon save file I wanted to download the firmware version v0.18d-beta2 from the link above, but unfortunately it's not available on the website anymore. Is there anyone, who knows where to get this update from?


Quote from: Bloche on 29/Sep/2015 11:03:44 PM
... I wanted to download the firmware version v0.18d-beta2 from the link above, but unfortunately it's not available on the website anymore. ...

I guess it was just renamed to v0.18d-beta, since the previous file of that name was no longer useful. The time stamp of the hex file inside the current is very close to that of Matthias_H's post linking the beta2 file.

So I suggest you try the current v0.18d-beta. Be sure to pick the right file for your hardware (Retrode 1 or 2).
See the official Retrode firmware page.


I have the same problem and I am using the Beta from the website. I have the problem with Link's Awakening that also has a 32KB-srm file size. Is the beta on the website really the beta2? Does someone had success with 0.18d beta from the website and 32KB-srm files?


Yeah I'd like confirmation on that too. Is this really the beta2? The link for that one in this thread is no longer working. :(


All firmware files should be up to date now. Added Wannado's beta3.

To the firmware page...

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