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Progress on N64/GBA save support?

Started by Zerker, 01/Jun/2013 12:00:40 PM

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If this works everyone is going to want one of the adapters, and I believe it's sold out now. Wish I bought one too. :(


I'm still itching to be able to test any firmware for this when someone gets one ready for testing for dumping N64 saves (and hopefully writing them back to the cartridge as well). I have a decent number of N64 games with various saves types that I am willing to test with. I would be happy even if we have to manually set the save type in the config file for each cartridge just to be able to dump the saves as I think this will make the Retrode the first device since the Doctor 64 to be able to dump all N64 save types if it works.


A Retrode user just contributed some code that can read GBA/N64 saves - but it hasn't been merged into the firmware yet. We'll have to give it some time to make sure we don't break existing functionality.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Quote from: Matthias_H on 22/Jan/2015 06:40:23 PM
A Retrode user just contributed some code that can read GBA/N64 saves - but it hasn't been merged into the firmware yet. We'll have to give it some time to make sure we don't break existing functionality.

Let me know if you need any help testing or regression testing that. I have the Retrode 2 and all of the plugins from the manufacturing run, as well as a wide variety of carts - and in particular, plenty of N64 carts that have been patiently waiting for the day save read support would be available :)


Diddo with starlightknight though I didn't get the SMS plugin as I never had a need for it but I've been itching to play with N64 save support since I found this thread. I'm willing to test any firmware if a new beta is available for it. It's just a shame that there is so much time between updates.



I hope this update becomes available soon, I have Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons I want to backup the save data on.


The contributed code does not fully support all types of savegames yet. It's as far as the author got. There are still problems such as save data corruption. Some of the code changes might be breaking other features.

AFAIK, nobody is currently working on those issues. I'm busy with the NES plug-in.


Sad to hear. I've been checking this forum periodically for a number of years now waiting for this functionality to be added. I bought the N64 plugin when Dragonbox got another shipment in and have been patiently waiting ever since. Hopefully the batteries in my N64 cartridges will outlast this process.


Quote from: Amitari on 06/Nov/2015 04:49:27 PM
I hope this update becomes available soon, I have Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons I want to backup the save data on.

FYI: Those are both GBC games which are already supported. I should know, I've backed up my Oracle of Ages save AND transferred it back to the cartridge.


Isn't part of the difficulty with accessing N64 saves in getting the file out in a form where an emulator can use it? The Gameshark method (see, e.g., involves visually inspecting the save file and using a hex editor to graft the save portion of the file into another file for use by the emulator.  However, wouldn't it be easier for the Retrode2 if one were only concerned, for example, with simply copying from the cartridge and writing back to the cartridge the save file in the exact format as it is used by the N64 console for backup, without concern for whether an emulator could use it?  That is the case for me, where I only play the games on my original console, and want to be able to use the Retrode2 to back up the save files for games where the cartridge uses battery-powered SRAM.  Then when the eventual day comes that the cartridge battery dies, I would replace the battery and use the Retrode2 to copy the save file back into the cartridge.  For me, some of this is for sentimental reasons - I have backed up the SNES DKK save file where my son (now grown) and his friends pulled an all-nighter to open up all of the levels, and the file where my nephew accumulated a huge fortune in SNES Vegas Stakes as the character 'Mr. Love', and would like to be able to do the same for the N64 Zelda Ocarina of Time save file that my son and I completed together.  Not a programmer myself (patent lawyer), so please forgive any ignorance on my part.


Quote from: pmarshall on 26/Jan/2016 10:25:46 PM
Isn't part of the difficulty with accessing N64 saves in getting the file out in a form where an emulator can use it? (...) However, wouldn't it be easier for the Retrode2 if one were only concerned, for example, with simply copying from the cartridge (...) in the exact format as it is used by the N64 console for backup (...)

It's not about the format. If we end up with something that requires you to use a hex editor, we'll happily release it.

The difficulties of getting N64 save support to the Retrode include:

  • N64 cartridges use several different technologies to store saves. Each needs individual support. AFAIK, there is no way to auto-detect which save technology a cartridge is using.
  • Lack of qualified personnel.
  • Lack of time.

See also reply #22.


I'm surprised so many want to carry their saves to their emus. I thought the vast majority just wants to back up their carts for future use and occasionally to change out the batteries in the carts.


Well, maybe they want to continue their progress when they have time, not specifically at home with their systems. For example, maybe the person want to finish their OOT game during their lunch break at work. An emulator would be the logical choice.


My motivation for wanted saves backed up is simply to future proof them. The cartridge batteries aren't going to last forever.