
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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[Solved] Master System Cartridge To Sega Card (Retrode Help)

Started by RazorX2014, 13/Oct/2015 06:21:35 PM

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problem solved turns out there was nothing wrong with my board or the retrode but for some reason i have to use the 3.3v converter i made, once i did that my hang on sega card showed up as the following "TmrSega.4081.sms" with a file size of 32kb and seems to work fine on my emulator so im happy, not sure how i didnt test that before or perhaps its something else thats changed either way its working now so im happy now i can dump and/or play my sega cards.

when i get time i will remove the wire you suggested i added and see if it still works and will let you know.


Cool! One more system added to the library of consoles and handhelds that the Retrode supports.
Now all there is to do is put the plugin into a Master System cart shell and you'll be all set.


i was thinking of doing something like that actually but maybe i will buy another one first so i have an untouched one too.