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Cant Update on Windows 10 (AtLibUsbDfu.dll error)

Started by Phoenix, 25/Oct/2018 12:47:34 AM

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I installed a previous firmware update a few years ago, but that was on Windows 7.

Now I would like to upgrade my Retrode 2 to the latest version but I have hit a roadblock.

I followed the instructions below.

The problem is I get an error saying
"AtJnilsp Message
AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found."

I have installed JRE and I have tried to update the driver in device manager but it will not install. Is there another way to install the firmware on Windows 10? Is there a trick I'm missing?

Hope you can help :)


2 threads under this one as of the time of this writing.
First post.
The solution
1 -look in the task managers device, Right click, Details, HardwareID. 
2 -Go to Regedit, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbflags\VIDPIDREV (where VID/PID/REV are numbers from the HardwareID)
3 -Add a new Dword32 titled SkipBOSDescriptorQuery and set its value to 1. 

More info can be found here:


Yeah I did read that, but it didn't help because I get no result when I look at the details page; giving the answer of "USB\UNKNOWN".

And the Microsoft Message analyser doesn't look like the old version on the instructions. So I am a bit lost trying to discover the ID number to modify the value in the registry. As it was first asked in 2013 I thought there might be another solution. If not, do you know if I did something wrong? Any tips?


I have had 2 things trigger the USB unknown.   Using a USB extension cable and going through my new USB 3.1 pci card.


I did connect it to a USB extension so I have plugged it directly into the motherboard now (USB 2.0) and still the same.


My only other suggestion would be to try a different USB cable - - - sorry mate


At this point the easiest solution is to try on a different computer. I have seen suggestions to uninstall the usb driver (as a whole, i.e., the driver that controls all of your usb ports) and reinstall as a potential fix, but that is probably more work than you want.


Yeah I did manage to get it to work on another computer early on; I just wanted to figure out what happened on my main one and offer a solution to others if they come across the same problem.

It looks like "try a different computer" is the solution to offer people in this situation