
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Backing up Chrono Trigger?

Started by Crono, 24/Feb/2012 03:22:21 PM

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Hey guys, just found out about this place yesterday. Does anyone know if the retrode can dump my Chrono Trigger saves to my PC? My cartridge will most likely run out of battery soon and I wanna make sure my precious data is forever safe on my PC.

Thanks in advance if anyone has any insight. :D



Lists the game as compatible:

QuoteChrono Trigger           NTSC  J      32   HiROM, SRAM

Im not sure what the values mean, but I think that means that it can read the SRAM correctly, and recognises the game needs special treatment when being read because of it's use of HiROM.


Sorry to disappoint, but it means that the game has SRAM, and that the ROM has been read correctly. Everything else is subject to further testing.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thanks, great to have more information on what those values in that table mean.


I have successfully transferred my Chrono Trigger saves to PC.



Quote from: Zerker on 29/Feb/2012 10:34:38 PM
I have successfully transferred my Chrono Trigger saves to PC.

Amazing, my only priority is to have my saves nice and safe on my PC. I assume it's a straight forward process? :D?


Assuming the game does work with the Retrode (most SRAM-based ones - the battery-backed ones, as opposed to EEPROM - do work, which is obviously the priority, though EEPROM isn't indestructible), it's very simple. Make sure the contacts are clean, plug the game in, plug the Retrode in (I find it most reliable to do it in that order). The Retrode will appear as a disk drive, and when you navigate into it, there should be a ".srm" file that you can copy to wherever you like.


Welp, 120 days later and I decided to place an order (last week to be specific)! Can't wait until it arrives, looking forward to backing up my save files. Thanks guys. :D