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Saving Files Back to Retrode Using Mac

Started by jonwolf, 14/Aug/2020 09:55:44 PM

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Just wanted to confirm what's described on this troubleshooting page ( and make it clear that this technique of overwriting or saving files back to the Retrode DOES work for Mac users (since I am a dummy and didn't see "Mac" on the page so I thought I was SOL).

First, I copied the config file to my Desktop, opened it in TextEdit and changed [saveReadonly] 1 to [saveReadonly] 0

Then, went to Terminal, typed the following

cat /path/to/modified/RETRODE.CFG > /media/RETRODE/RETRODE.CFG

Replacing "/path/to/modified" and "/media" with my actual paths. For me it was:


This technique also worked for me instead of dragging and dropping savegame files to replace them. For example:

cat Desktop/PokemonSnap.NPFE.fla > /Volumes/RETRODE/PokemonSnap.NPFE.fla

Anyway, hope that helps another non-savvy Mac Retrode user!