
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Retrode SNES controll port 1 malfunctioning

Started by Raza, 14/Mar/2012 09:58:22 PM

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I have to admit that is some weird stuff, never seen anything like it before. I guess we may have to replace your unit then. I'll take care of it.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Yeah I guess that is the best thing to do. A friend of mine just got home and we tried the Retrode on his (Windows 7) and his moms (Windows XP) laptops and got the same malfunctions, just to rule out that its not my laptop that is messing around.
It's so strange, it would be really intressting to know whats causing it though.

Thank you very much for your respons, even though we did not resolve the problem, I am happy to have recived help so fast. =)


Strange - I just had the exact same problem and couldn't figure out why. Turns out I was in NES mode; after setting [NESMode] to 0, it worked.

I also made some experimental changes to the firmware. Would you care to try it out? (v0.17f alpha attached)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Really? Ok I will try installing the firmware you attached. I have [NESMode] on 0 on the current version of the CFG file aswell. I did play Mega Man 1 a bit with the SNES controller before the problems started and had no B-Button-Problems. I'll post when I have tested it out.


Ok I installed v0.17f alpha and connected the controller. It still shows the same problems with the B button, no change. =( Also, the B button triggers mouse button clicks for some reason when it goes crazy, even with the mouse unpluged (i do have a touchpad tho).

Could you compare the text in my CFG file to yours and see if something is diffrent?

; Retrode .17f - Config
; Remove any line to revert setting to factory default

[HIDMode] 1 ; 0: Off; 1: 4Joy+Mouse; 2: 2Joy; 3: KB; 4: iCade

; Hex codes for KB mode (in this order):
; SNES gamepad: B Y SEL STA ^ v < > A X L R
; In NES mode:  A B SEL STA ^ v < > x x x x
; SEGA gamepad: B A MOD STA ^ v < > C Y X Z
; See (pp.53ff)
[kbL] 06 1b 28 2c 52 51 50 4f 09 07 04 16
[kbR] 10 11 05 19 33 37 36 38 0e 0d 0a 0b
[nesMode] 0          ; 1: NES gamepads; 0: SNES

[filenameChksum] 1   ; checksum in filename? 0,1
[detectionDelay] 5   ; how long to wait after cart insertion/removal
[sramReadonly] 1     ; write protect SRAM?
[segaSram16bit] 1    ; use 16bit words for SRAM?
[sramExt] srm
[snesRomExt] sfc
[segaRomExt] bin
; Override autodetect:
[forceSystem] auto
[forceSize] 0
[forceMapper] 0
; Optional plug-ins:
[atariRomExt] a26
[tg16RomExt] huc
[vbRomExt] vbr
[n64RomExt] n64
[gbRomExt] gb
[gbaRomExt] gba


Okay. After watching the video another time, it clearly points towards a hardware issue. I wrote you an e-mail earlier today; please react to it and I'll see how we can get your unit exchanged. Btw, "Filhämtaren". I LOVE the Swedish language :D

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I see. I was hoping that it was not the hardware. Ah yes I see the mail now, I shall respond to it right away!
Haha yeah filhämtare ftw, directly translated to english it would be filegetter I guess, which is funny aswell because getter = goats in swedish. xD