
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Started by Muzer, 31/Dec/2011 05:15:53 PM

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Since I now have confirmation below, I'll make this into a nicely-formatted table. I've also done a bit of research and found answers to a few unanswered questions:

(The voltages are all found from a quick Google. While I have done my best to verify any vague-looking results I found to ensure they are all accurate, I will not be responsible for any damage to your cartridges caused by an incorrect voltage selection. Use at your own risk.)

Console(s)StateDIY provisionsProduction runFirmware supportSlotVoltageLink
Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Mega Drive/Genesis(Built-in support in Retrode 1 and 2)NoneOngoing batches of production of Retrode 2YesN/A5Vhere
Nintendo 64 (with controller ports)WorkingPCB layout and schematic soonOngoing productionYesMega Drive3.3Vhere
Game Boy variantsWorkingPCB layout and schematic soonOngoing productionYesMega Drive3.3V for Game Boy Advance; 5V for Game Boy and Game Boy Colorhere
Nintendo 64 and Game Boy variantsWorkingPCB layout, schematicPrevious sold out; none plannedYesMega Drive5V for Game Boy and Game Boy Color; 3.3V for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64here
Sega Master System and Game GearWorkingWiring key, design and build write-up/rough guide (for original prototype); PCB layout and schematic soonOngoing production (without Game Gear slot, but space provided to solder your own on)YesMega Drive5Vinitial design | final testing | testing follow-up | production status | wiring key (for prototype)
Atari 2600WorkingPCB layout and schematicPrevious sold out; none plannedYesSNES5Vhere
TurboGrafx16/PC EngineWorkingWiring keyNone plannedYesSNES5Vhere
Virtual BoyWorkingWiring key; design and build write-up/rough guideNone plannedYesMega Drive5Vfinal pinout | build writeup | part 2 | case - part 1 | case - part 2 | case - part 3 and conclusion
Neo Geo Pocket variantsWorkingWiring key; Japanese design and build write-up/rough guideNone plannedYesSNES3.3VJapanese writeup | Google translated to English
Nintendo Entertainment SystemConsideringWill be PCB layout and schematic if completedProbably if completedNo?5VNone yet (source: a post below)
Atari LynxPlanning??No?5VNone yet (source: a post below)
Sega PicoWorkingWiring key; design and build write-up/rough guideNone plannedYes (ROM format identical to Mega Drive games)Mega Drive5VGerman forum thread | Translated instructions
V.SmileWorkingWiring key; brief build notesNone plannedNo (but generic ROM format works)Mega DriveUnknown (5V?)here

Is all of this accurate?

(Just about to order my Retrode from the new store! Very excited!)

EDIT: Just ordered, but the addresses appeared as blank in the confirmation email (despite being present on the confirmation screen). I assume it processed OK, but you might want to sort that out so as not to worry people.

EDIT2 (2012-01-05): Added NES to the list, and Colecovision rumours I just stumbled upon. Changed to a nice table.
EDIT3 (2012-01-08, Matthias_H): Stickied
EDIT4 (2012-01-15): Added link that I just found to original design/build of the SMS/GG adapter
EDIT5 (2012-02-11): Added "design and build write-up/rough guide (for original prototype)" to SMS/GG adapter's DIY Provisions column, because there is one.
EDIT6 (2012-02-13): Removed Colecovision, added Atari Lynx.
EDIT7 (2012-02-28): Added Sega Pico
EDIT8 (2012-03-04): Added newly-posted wiring key for the prototype of the SMS/GG adaptor. Fixed Pico entry (had a duplicate column for some reason). Added "slot" field.
EDIT9 (2012-04-27): Added the just Game Boy and just Nintendo 64 adaptors, changed estimated dates.
EDIT10 (2012-07-28): Added the SNES/MD entry at the top; added voltages.
EDIT11 (2013-04-07): Changed the statuses of the plugins that are apparently shipping.
EDIT12 (2013-09-27): Changed statuses of plugins, add V.Smile.



That's about right. As for production runs of assembled plug-ins, it always boils down to being able to find the right connectors. We have parts for N64, GBx, SMS in stock -- so expect those adapters to pop up in a short while. If enough people are interested, we could also look into designing and producing some bare boards.

Also, I recently got my hands on a NES connector. Will have to see when I find the time for it. The plethora of mappers does scare me a bit, though.


I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Mmm, I've seen the list of NES mappers, it's not pretty. Though many of them do appear to be used by only a handful of pirate carts.

Anyway, great work. Was there ever a production run of the A2600 ones, out of interest? I have vague recollection of reading about them, but it may just be my brain making things up.

BTW, does it ever stop asking for captcha responses?

Ness and Sonic

I'm kind of hoping for a DS adapter in the future.
Some times modern video game characters chase older ones. Some times older video game characters just say the wrong thing.


I imagine that Matthias will avoid DS for now just because of how new it is and he has gone through some effort to keep this device off of any drm circumventing list. I imagine in the eventual future when Matthias is ready to opensource the retrode then we may see one or maybe just for time for ds to fade into obscurity.

Ness and Sonic

It's the 3ds that's the problem, not the DS. The DS is about 8 years old if I'm not mistaken and almost dead. 3DS is new, but those games have a notch on them to prevent them from working on an older DS similar to how Game Boy Advance games have a couple of notches on them to prevent them from fitting into an older Game Boy.

Anyway, the whole system being too new and Retrode could be considered a DRM circumvention device is part of the reason why I didn't ask for a PSVita adapter even though I feel like Sony would deserve that kind of thing eating into PSVita sales for using online passes for first party games and ruining PSN being "free." The other part of the reason is Sony's too sue-happy.
Some times modern video game characters chase older ones. Some times older video game characters just say the wrong thing.


3DS cards haven't even been reversed yet, so nobody knows how they work except Nintendo...

And DS cards, I believe (I might be wrong), are encrypted, so you'd have to include software to break the encryption, which would be illegal in many countries. New, officially-licenced games are still selling so you can't call it dead, Nintendo certainly wouldn't look at it that way.

@Matthias_H: Does the captcha never go away? I think if you have a certain number of posts it should stop pestering you.

EDIT: Just made a nice table at the top there.


I'm eagerly awaiting a production run of assembled gameboy plugins.

Ness and Sonic

Judging by how the Wii discs are (edge to center is the only thing Nintendo did other than firmware updates if I am not mistaken), I get the feeling Nintendo took the cheap route and didn't really encrypt DS cards. 3ds is a different matter, I get the feeling that after seeing wiis get hacked without mod chips or unlicensed accessories being plugged into the system made them step their game up. Also, while it is true new DS games are still being released and sold, the release of the 3ds has marked it's decline. I get the feeling the massive first year price cut of the 3ds is going to help speed things up. That's why I said "almost" dead. It's not dead yet, but it's looking like it's not going to last much longer. Of course, that's just my guess. Anyway, I am willing to wait a little while for a DS adapter while the N64/Game Boy Adapter satisfies me and my cousins with more classics once I manage to get one from Stone Age Gamer, assuming that they get some this time.
Some times modern video game characters chase older ones. Some times older video game characters just say the wrong thing.


Quote from: Ness and Sonic on 07/Jan/2012 05:48:29 AM
Judging by how the Wii discs are (edge to center is the only thing Nintendo did other than firmware updates if I am not mistaken)

Actually, Wii discs are read just like other discs (it's an urban myth that they spin the other way, started by the fact that the disc-stopping mechanism in the gamecube that activates when you open it makes it spin the other way a bit). And they are similar to DVDs, but don't follow the standard completely so can't be read in normal drives without firmware updates.

QuoteI get the feeling Nintendo took the cheap route and didn't really encrypt DS cards.

Just looked it up - they are encrypted, but this encryption was broken (which is why it took so long for slot 2 flash cards/cheat devices to arrive).

Quote3ds is a different matter, I get the feeling that after seeing wiis get hacked without mod chips or unlicensed accessories being plugged into the system made them step their game up. Also, while it is true new DS games are still being released and sold, the release of the 3ds has marked it's decline. I get the feeling the massive first year price cut of the 3ds is going to help speed things up. That's why I said "almost" dead. It's not dead yet, but it's looking like it's not going to last much longer. Of course, that's just my guess. Anyway, I am willing to wait a little while for a DS adapter while the N64/Game Boy Adapter satisfies me and my cousins with more classics once I manage to get one from Stone Age Gamer, assuming that they get some this time.

For many Nintendo gamers, yes, many people will have bought a 3DS. But you must remember the huge market for casual players, even people who aren't interested in conventional gaming but prefer the mind games like Brain Training.

Anyway, the DS game cards probably work more like SD cards than ROM cartridges (judging by the small number of pins), so the point is moot - even if they weren't encrypted, I doubt they'd work in the Retrode without a load of hardware additions.


Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games?  And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?


Quote from: MasterOfPuppets on 10/Jan/2012 04:23:47 PM
Out of curiosity, you said on Twiter that in order to get MBC3 and MBC5 working you will need to cut and re-route a trace. Does this mean that it's either/or, where by doing so you can dump the Pokemon games, but not other games?  And if not, will the newest batch of adapters be able to dump these games also?

The modification will do no harm to other games. It concerns the clock signal on the GB port with is wired to ground in the old version but connected to Retrode I/O in the new version.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:


Quote from: Muzer on 15/Jan/2012 01:24:32 PM
The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:

I have indeed! Just to let you know, I am now registered on the forum for all the lovely Retrode chat.


Quote from: JonY on 16/Jan/2012 12:10:18 AM
Quote from: Muzer on 15/Jan/2012 01:24:32 PM
The owner of Consoling Myself has posted a post on Matthias_H's PCB for the Master System/Game Gear adaptor that he designed:

I have indeed! Just to let you know, I am now registered on the forum for all the lovely Retrode chat.
That was you? Good work, I never got to spend much time playing with that platform, but I'd love to as it was quite nice. It's just a shame that the battery life was so lame.