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WTT: have black Retrode, want gold Retrode

Started by bunnyboy, 11/Jul/2012 11:25:54 PM

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Anyone want to upgrade?  I have an unused black model and want to straight trade for gold model.

Feel free to delete this if it isn't appropriate for the forums!



Never used the controller ports, like the smaller size of the gold one better.  On my crazy mess of a desk the cart slot lid also gets caught on cables.


You can easily loosen the two screws at the back and remove the lid if you don't like it... Of course, that won't solve your issue with the size and controller ports.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


I may be interested in a trade.  My Gold Retrode has worked great for backing up SNES saves, but I'd really like to be able to do that with my Genesis library as well (AFAIK only the black one supports this).  I've only gently used it to backup around 30 SNES saves, so it's still in like-new condition.  I even updated the firmware a month or so ago, but I can check to see if there has been any updates since then.