
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Two questions from a new Retrode user.

Started by SJamesK, 21/Sep/2012 03:28:58 PM

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Hello, just got my Retrode yesterday and was amazed how easy it was to set up (I had the emulators already installed in preparation of receiving the unit.)  I do have two questions.

1) My computer's screen saver and subsequent "turn off the monitors" doesn't happen anymore.  Does the Retrode act as some sort of keep awake, or, probably a better question, do you keep your Retrode plugged into the USB port all the time or only when you use it?

2) What exactly do the two buttons at the top right of the unit do?  The one closer to the front seems to only unplug and replug the Retrode, like a reset (which it probably is but I have found no documentation for it.) The back button seems to do absolutely nothing - does it do something during game play?

Thanks in advance for your answers!


1. I do not know the answer to this, but I would imagine the emulator would be the one to do that.

2. Here is your answer about the buttons.


In addition, the HWB button controls an "overdump" function for cases where automatic size detection fails (each press doubles the size of the ROM file). This works best under Windows, where directory listings can be refreshed without having to unmount the device.

By the way, did your device not come with an instruction sheet?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Ah, I see the documentation on the buttons now, thanks.  The picture was not near the text and in my quick glance, I missed it.  Sometimes I go a little too fast for my own good.

I did a little experimentation and when the Retrode is plugged in, my laptop will not go in screensaver and then to screen off.  With it unplugged, it does go into screensaver and screen off.  So, I guess it's only to be plugged in when I want to use it, which is ok too.  It's just nice to play the old games again, glad I saved them.

Matthias_H, I wasn't talking about it going into screensaver while I was playing a game, it was with no emulator loaded, not playing a game, just sitting there plugged in, but I REALLY appreciate the response.  Thank you and thanks to all...


I've never heard about this issue, and I'm not sure if and how it can be solved. Would you care to provide a bit more info about your system? The operating system would be particularly good to know.

EDIT: Do you have any special software / services running in the background? Apparently, some media player / DVD software can block the screen saver when there are certain USB devices plugged in.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


HP Pavilion dv7 laptop, Win7 64 Home Premium.  The retrode is plugged into a hub that's plugged into the laptop.  When it's unplugged, screensaver as normal.  Plugged in, the laptop never goes to screensaver.  What I suspect: The retrode is recognized as a data device and a mouse.  I think the "mouse" is keeping the system awake, but I could be wrong.


If that's the case, you may want to try setting the entry for [HIDMode] in the RETRODE.CFG to 0 (disabling all controller stuff, mouse etc) and see if the behaviour still persists. (Alternatively, pushing the SNES controller D-pad UP while resetting the Retrode should have the same effect but only until the next device reset).

By the way, since the advent of LCD technology screen savers no longer really save the screen :-)

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Sorry for the delayed response.  I will try your suggestions.

Heh, I know screensavers don't do anything (mine just blacks the screen), but it also stopped the screens from turning off 5 minutes after the screensaver started, and that does save the screens...  and a little on the electric bill!