
Retrode - Honey, fire up the emulator! My Retrode just arrived

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Overdumping not working?

Started by goemon2, 19/Feb/2013 02:22:49 AM

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I'm trying to get overdumping working, but from what I can tell it's not doing it correctly. No matter what, it's supposed to output a file larger than what it would usually set to default, correct? My game sticks at 1MB no matter how many times I press the HWB button, it doesn't seem like it's making it dump any bigger than it normally does.

Am I just misunderstanding something?


Do you hit the Reset button in between? Because if you do, the overdump setting will be cleared. Under Windows, HWB followed by a directory refresh (F5) should be enough; other systems may require you to re-trigger detection by removing and re-inserting the cart.

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


Thanks. Looks like I'm out of luck with this one, don't think the cartridge is working correctly. At least I tried.


So can you confirm you are getting different sizes of ROM (i.e., the overdump setting works), it's just the data itself that is faulty? Which game, if I may ask?

I no longer sell the Retrode. For sales inquiries, please contact our friends at DragonBox.


The seller just got it back so I remembered the response you gave. The game was Panorama Cotton. Or rather, a prototype cartridge. It works completely fine on his end so it was obviously a problem with the Retrode. I kept trying to do overdumps but it kept giving me 1MB dumps still. The only thing I didn't try was pressing the HWB button and then taking the cart out and putting it back in, but that only because I knew I was sending it back and was paranoid I'd damage it somehow.

Ah well. If anyone else has ever dumped the retail copy of that game, maybe let me know if it gave any problems for you. I can't imagine it was any sort of copy protection since protos don't typically have that I think..