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N64 Save Support (FW v0.23)

Started by skaman, 03/Nov/2017 12:43:27 PM

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Quote from: Eureka on 08/Nov/2017 09:34:03 PM
The Majora cart is the original NTSC release with the lenticular label. "Savereadonly" is already set to 1. I'm using Retrode 2 and the plugin built specifically for N64 carts (the one that says "Plug-In 64" on the label). I don't understand the "files" question.

I put the saves in the "Save" folder of Project64; it's where it gets them from. But I get a "Failed to open EEPROM" message when I try to use them.

You mentioned something about setting the voltage to 3.3V; that is something I forgot to do the first time. But when I dumped the saves again on the correct setting, I got the same results. The Majora cart did finally detect a save, though.

Of course it's an .FLA which means I can't test it immediately. That save-altering program you linked to is all Greek to me -- I have little experience with command line programs so I don't know how to use it. I do know that the .EEP files don't work.

Sorry,  I missed this reply.

Now that you can see the Majora's Mask save, you'll need to saveswap it to run on PJ64.

When using save files on PJ64:
1)  Make sure that the save file is in the PJ64 SAVE folder and that it is properly named.
2)  Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute is unchecked on the save file in the SAVE folder.

Good Luck!

Knight of Time

This is wonderful, thank you so much Skaman.

Perhaps someday I'll buy one of the N64 plugins for my Retrode2 before I purchase a Nintendo 64 (there are some games I'm definitely planning to buy to test with the plugin, and one is definitely going to be Mario Kart 64).  I think 2018 will be that time.


Quote from: skaman on 13/Nov/2017 03:51:04 AM
Quote from: Eureka on 08/Nov/2017 09:34:03 PM
The Majora cart is the original NTSC release with the lenticular label. "Savereadonly" is already set to 1. I'm using Retrode 2 and the plugin built specifically for N64 carts (the one that says "Plug-In 64" on the label). I don't understand the "files" question.

I put the saves in the "Save" folder of Project64; it's where it gets them from. But I get a "Failed to open EEPROM" message when I try to use them.

You mentioned something about setting the voltage to 3.3V; that is something I forgot to do the first time. But when I dumped the saves again on the correct setting, I got the same results. The Majora cart did finally detect a save, though.

Of course it's an .FLA which means I can't test it immediately. That save-altering program you linked to is all Greek to me -- I have little experience with command line programs so I don't know how to use it. I do know that the .EEP files don't work.

Sorry,  I missed this reply.

Now that you can see the Majora's Mask save, you'll need to saveswap it to run on PJ64.

When using save files on PJ64:
1)  Make sure that the save file is in the PJ64 SAVE folder and that it is properly named.
2)  Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute is unchecked on the save file in the SAVE folder.

Good Luck!
The Read-Only box was the big problem. Now the saves work. Thanks very much.



Can someone please verify whether Pokemon Snap works on their end?  I have a cart I just cannot for the life of me seem to confirm.

* Tested and confirmed the save data is still valid and present in the actual cart on an actual N64
* Retrode appeared to read the cart just fine; the .z64 and .fla files were right there and transferred over to PC without incident
* I'm no expert, but peering at the .fla file in a hex editor sure looks like there's data in there and that it's not just an empty file or full of 00/FF or whatever.
* Yet both 1964 and Project 64 act like I've fed it a completely blank file when I load the game, in that there's no "Continue" option on the main menu, etc.
* Yes, I unchecked Read Only and made sure it was on 3.3 volts.
* Possibly a .fla issue?  I am afraid I can't test this with any other .fla saves, as the only other game I have that uses .fla is Pokemon Stadium (which doesn't appear to have a save file even when I test the physical cart in the physical system.)  My other games all work fine, but they also all use .eep.

I've attached the .fla file for reference.  If my attempts to parse the hex editor view are correct and this is a valid data file, then there appears to be some sort of issue with getting either of the emulators I tried to read it.  If it's not, then something is up on the Retrode reading/transferring end, since this is definitely a real and working save on the physical system.

Thank you so much for any assistance you can provide!


Try dumping the save twice. 

Once with [saveReadonly] set to 0 and once set to 1.

Compare the files in the hex editor to see if there's any difference.

If there's a difference, then try each in the emulator (after saveswapping).

Remember to uncheck the read-only attribute after putting it in the save folder.


Thank you very much for your suggestions!

Alas, there does not appear to be any difference between the two dumps with that setting toggled, and the emulators continue to treat each like a new file.


Ok.  That's good that there is no difference.

I'm not familiar with Pokemon Snap save data but it looks like your .FLA has the proper header data at the start of the file.

Maybe someone else can check their Pokemon Snap saves.


This is awesome. Been waiting years for this. Huge props to skaman.

Also shout out to Eureka for making many of the same mistakes I did while getting my saves working and asking about them here so I didn't have to lol. I also used the wrong voltage at first and then didn't know to uncheck the readme.

While I got .eep and .sra working thanks to the ED64 saveswap, I do have the same problem as kjorteo in that PJ64 will not recognize my Pokemon Snap save. Tried everything I know and everything suggested  in this thread and no dice. It's the only .fla game I have so I can't test anything else.

Still, a small price to pay for having all my other N64 saves preserved for life. Thanks again!


Are you able to open your Pokemon Snap cart? 

I'd like to see the flashram chip on the PCB.  I'm wondering if it is an incompatibility with the flash chip.

I've ordered a copy of Pokemon Snap and should be receiving it soon to run tests on.


FWIW, I managed to dump my Pokémon Snap (PAL) save and play it via Mupen64Plus by using ssokolow's saveswap program.


I received the Pokemon Snap cart and it dumps both ROM and SAVE properly.  This cart uses the common 29L1100 flashram chip.

I suspect that the problem Pokemon Snap carts are using the 29L1101 flashram chip.  EDIT:  kjorteo's Pokemon Snap cart uses the common 29L1100 flashram.

I've ordered a copy of Jet Force Gemini (PAL) which apparently has a better chance of using the 29L1101 chip.

To anyone with a Pokemon Snap cart, please dump your save and report whether it works or not.  It would be of great help to open the cart and identify the flashram chip.  The flashram chip should be one of 29L1100KC-15B0, 29L1101KC-15B0, or MN63F81MPN.


First I want to say thank you for all the hard work you've put into the firmware!

The Retrode has Virtual Boy dumping capabilities (I don't have a adapter, unfortunately, but would like one), but it doesn't read Red Alarm properly (maybe some others?). I realize testing would be difficult, but if you're ever looking for something else to do maybe you could contact [JonY] who built an adapter to test?

Thank you again!


I made a prototype Virtual Boy plugin PCB.  I'm waiting for it to arrive from the PCB fab.  If I can get it working then I'll post the details.  I already have a copy of Red Alarm waiting to be tested.



My initial guess on the potential cause of the bad Pokemon Snap save file was proven wrong.

I suspected the use of the uncommon 29L1101 flashram chip but that is incorrect as kjorteo's cart uses the common 29L1100 flashram chip.

I got a copy of Pokemon Snap with the 29L1100 (like kjorteo's cart) and it reads out perfectly.  The 29L1100 flashram is probably the most tested flashram type across many different carts.

To completely settle the issue in my mind, I picked up two different carts that use the 29L1101 flashram and I can confirm that the 29L1101 flashram type works properly with the firmware.

kjorteo's save file has some bad data at 0x8000-0xEFFF.  There appears to be some issue with his flashram chip responding to the reads in this area.  The data output is the address that the Retrode is attempting to read.

If anyone else encounters issues with their Pokemon Snap save, please post your save file.