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N64 Save Support (FW v0.23)

Started by skaman, 03/Nov/2017 12:43:27 PM

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I found a cart that isn't handled properly with the final N64 firmware.

Command & Conquer (all variants) will show as 20MB when it is actually 32MB.  This is because the ROM is padded with a large block of 00s at the end.  The firmware assumes that the 00s are garbage and truncates the ROM.

To display the full Command & Conquer ROM, use the HWB button to switch the size to 32MB.

I think I will hardcode the size for the C&C carts into the next firmware release.


Quote from: skaman on 25/Nov/2017 04:53:32 PM
I made a prototype Virtual Boy plugin PCB.  I'm waiting for it to arrive from the PCB fab.  If I can get it working then I'll post the details.  I already have a copy of Red Alarm waiting to be tested.

My prototype VB plugin has an error that I had to fix with a couple jumpers.

I only have a couple test carts but they both read out properly now.  I modified the code to correct the handling of Red Alarm.  It was underdumping due to the code misidentifying the data used to check the ROM size.  Using the HWB button to adjust the size would have produced the proper ROM.

My prototype includes the RAM pins so I'm hoping to figure out how to read out the save game from Wario Land.


skaman you are incredible. This is such great news. Now I can't wait for them to reprint the N64 plugin so that I can get one and put it to use.


I found another cart that isn't handled properly by the v0.23 firmware.

Rockman Dash (NUS-NRHJ) wasn't on the original list of Flashram save carts.  The ROM will display but not the .FLA save file.  Mega Man 64 (NUS-NM6E) was included on the save list but the Japanese version was overlooked due to the difference in the cart serial.

I'm thinking of releasing an update to v0.23 with this fix and the Command & Conquer ROM size fix.

A few more releases are coming in 2018.  I'm still working on the BETA SMS/GG firmware v0.24 and I also made a BETA Virtual Boy firmware v0.25 with SRAM save support.


I fixed the N64 Command & Conquer ROM size and added the N64 Rockman Dash FlashRAM save in the firmware.

New firmware release v0.23a is here:


Finally after all these years I can backup my n64 saves! This is why I bought a Retrode in the first place (well that and GB/GBC save backup but that was already out when I got it) and you guys have at last made this a reality thank you so much for all of your hard work and I wish I had found this sooner.


Unable to dump Pokemon Snap correctly and Donkey Kong 64 on .25a-beta firmware. Saves both showing up on the N64 but wont work with project 64. Chip in Pokemon snap is 29L1100KC. Save files look OK to me in HEX editor


The Donkey Kong save works for me in PJ64.

The Pokemon Snap save looks like it has correct save data but I couldn't get it to work after saveswapping the file.

Could you try reverting the Retrode FW to v0.23 or v0.23a and redump the Pokemon Snap save?

Good Luck!


After I looked at the Pokemon Snap save, I vaguely recalled that another poster had mentioned problems with their save.

The previously reported problem was on a US Pokemon Snap cart.  The issue was exactly the same.  If you look in the save file at 0x8000-0xEFFF, that is not valid save data.  The data written is actually the block address that the Retrode is trying to read.

I could not duplicate the issue with my US Pokemon Snap (29L1100) cart.  Other testers did not report any problems with their carts.

I'm not sure why the two carts have issues specifically at those addresses.  It could be a power or timing issue related to the flashram chip.  Try connecting the Retrode to different USB connections and redump the save.  Check to see if the data at 0x8000-0xEFFF changes.

Good Luck!


Thannks for the info. Got the DK 64 save to work (was using an old US ROM). Dumped my cart and the save works with it. No such luck with the Pokemon snap rom as it was dumped directly from my cart. It works fine but the save as you already know doesn't. Will try reverting the firmware and trying a few different USB ports to see if that works.

On another note, is there anything additional required to get Mempaks working in project 64, i.e. do they need converted or anything like .fla files? I soldered an N64 extension cord to the new N64 plugin and it picks up the Mempak from the controller. However when I test it using TWINE it says the pak is corrupted and forces a reset


I've never worked with the Mempak so I don't know.  I'll try to run some tests later.


Ok.  I picked up another copy of Pokemon Snap (U) with the 29L1100.  I initially could not get the save read properly.  I cleaned the pins and retested the cart.  The initial save data showed areas with incorrect (address) data.  I removed the cart from the plugin, reinserted it, and then tested the read.  After a few times of reinserting the cart, the save data showed up complete and intact.  My second copy of Pokemon Snap now reads out completely.

My suggestion to anyone experiencing save data corruption is to clean the cart pins first.  If the data is still corrupt, then remove the cart and reinsert it into the plugin.  The cart pins are most likely oxidized and may need multiple insertions to get through the oxidation.


Quote from: idiotproof on 02/Aug/2018 04:47:21 PM
On another note, is there anything additional required to get Mempaks working in project 64, i.e. do they need converted or anything like .fla files? I soldered an N64 extension cord to the new N64 plugin and it picks up the Mempak from the controller. However when I test it using TWINE it says the pak is corrupted and forces a reset

Did you add the 220R resistors to the board?  Another poster was asking about connecting a controller to the plugin and I was reminded about the resistors.  They're 1/4W resistors soldered in vertically on the v0.4 PCB.


My board already had the vertical resistors soldered in. Mempaks were showing up but corrupted when loaded into Project64. Took them out and solder 1 220 diagonal same as here now no Mempaks show up


Diagonal resistor was on the older board revision.  V0.4 PCB places them vertically.